Our organization was formed in 2004 by a group of minority business owners and individuals meeting  periodically at ABCD to discuss how to increase our participation in all economic opportunities.

The group was mentored by Mr. Charles Tisdale, Director of ABCD. We joined forces.  With his help and Mr. Gardner’s hard work the Minority Business Association and Center for Joint Ventures was formally formed.

Mr. Tisdale recommended and nominated Howard Gardner as the first MBA/CJV Director.

During the first years The MBA-CJV focused on fighting for a greater portion of the city contracts to go to minority contractors.

One of the greatest early accomplishments was influencing the City Of Bridgeport to update the Small Business Enterprise Ordinance.

We were successful in getting the City Council to approve: The Amendment to The Municipal Ordinances Chapter Section: 3.12.130  Small Business Enterprise Programs.
A Minority set aside of 15% MBE 15%WBE 6% African American was placed on all city contracts.

We have been able to assist our members in receiving Millions of dollars in Revenue.

We relocated from ABCD to the Bridgeport Innovation Center.  After a few years there, Mr. Gardner resigned.  He recommended the organization nominate Board Member W. Tom McMillian as the new  Director.  The Board accepted his recommendation and the nomination and the vote was unanimous.

We coordinate with the City of Bridgeport Small & Minority Business Resource Office,  Mr. Fred Gee, Director. That office has facilitated many certification programs, seminars, business trainings and very valuable assistance over the years. We ask our members to register with him as City Based  Businesses and obtain City Vendor Numbers.

We coordinate with the East End NRZ, Mr. Keith Williams, Director. All members should join their local chapters.

We coordinate with the Southern Conn. Black Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. Diana L. Washington, Director.
All members should join and support this great organization; they are a positive force for all of us.

Our Board member, Developer Anthony Stewart (Ashlar Construction) built the New Library on the East End.  He is also building the shopping center for the EENRZ that includes a Full Size Super Market .

Our Director, Mr. W. Tom McMillian is Chairman of the City of  Bridgeport Minority Contract Compliance Committee.
All are welcome to join. We have Start-up Companies, Sole Props., Mom and Pops, as well as Doctors, Lawyers,  Realtors, Developers, Contractors, Landscapers, Churches, etc.
Whenever possible we ask that you use services/products offered by our members as we grow together.  Our database will be the vehicle for successfully locating our members businesses.
We continue to fight for fairness and opportunities for all of our members.