All Payments are received by the Treasurer.

Treasurer email:

Join Us. Become a Member Today!!

PO Box 1656 Bridgeport CT 06601 US

755 Central Avenue

Bridgeport, CT 06607


Our Mission Statement

Our organization is dedicated to assisting you in every aspect of development, growth, promotion, and support of your business. We invite all businesses and individuals to  join us. We strengthen the capacity, capability and business opportunities for our members through networking with each other and with majority businesses, municipalities and individuals.

We will provide specific training, technology, financial and marketing seminars and assistance for individuals, business owners and start ups. We have mentors to help improve your business. Our members receive all training, certifications and assistance FREE.  All work opportunities & referrals we receive will be assigned directly to our members FIRST.  We advocate for public and private policies that enhance the success of all businesses.  We will fight for fairness and transparency in all business negotiations.

To share these Goals:

WE MEET ON THE LAST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH at the Newfield Library located at 755 Central Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06607.  

Check the Directors corner for updates, meeting notifications and location.  Members will be contacted via email and phone.

​​Contact Us - Join Us

Whatever "it" is, we want to hear it. Don't hesitate, if you need more information on our services or would like more information about joining us, or want to contact us for any reason. We want to help you, your business, your community and our city. This is the place to let your voice be heard. Professional, successful mentors available and needed.

Contact Us for more information or to attend a meeting.

We want to hear from you.

Renewal & New Membership Form  (Our membership Dues are $95.00 per year payable to MBA-CJV. )

Membership includes all the benefits listed in the mission statement as well as inclusion in the network database. You may mail a check to the Treasurer at the PO Box above.